Update VMware Horizon Client

Here you can find a quick guide on how to update your VMware Horizon Client. Remember to do this outside of your Boxtop session! There are 2 ways to update.

Option 1 - Use your current VMware Horizon Client:

1. Start the VMware Horizon Client application.

2. Click the 3 dots on the top right of the screen. 

4. Select "Software Updates" (The client will look for any new updates automatically)

5. Select "Download and Install" to install the update.

6. After this completes it will ask if you want to perform the update, select "Yes, update"

7. Once this completes it will ask you if you want to restart now or later, the option is up to you but restarting asap is recommended.

Option 2 - Download the latest version from the website

1. Open up your browser and go to https://customerconnect.vmware.com/downloads/info/slug/desktop_end_user_computing/vmware_horizon_clients/horizon_8

2. Look under the dropdown that is appropriate to your Operating System type.

3. After selecting the correct dropdown, click go to downloads on the right hand side your selected dropdown. 

4.  When the new page loads you can select Download Now on the right hand side to download the file. Once it is downloaded you can run the installer with default options.

**You may experience the below error if you are still logged in to Boxtop while trying to run the update. To resolve it just close out your Boxtop session, the update will not effect your session.**

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