Boxtop Welcome Video!
In this video, Morris Tabush, our founder and president, will walk you through our DaaS solution. Watch Boxtop, in action to see how you can fully leverage cloud by moving your desktops, servers, applications, and files to the cloud. Schedule time...
Welcome To Boxtop!
Welcome to Boxtop, here you can find some basic information about Boxtop! ...
Boxtop FAQ
Some basic questions and answers covering Boxtop ...
Recommended settings for VMware Horizon Client
This article will go over our recommended settings for using VMware Horizon Client. Sometimes changes to these settings are required outside the recommendations, but we find the following settings to be the best use case. Setting 1: Autoconnect t...
No Audio/Sound inside Boxtop
Having some issues with your sound inside Boxtop? This article contains some basic steps to help you resolve the issue! Open the Control Panel Open the Sound Setting You should see a device called "Teradici Virtual Audio Driver." Right click ...
Setup your Home Devices for Boxtop
Working from home or outside the office? Here is how you can setup your devices to have access to Boxtop! Option 1: Install Boxtop software directly onto a Windows or Mac Computer Go to { yourdomain }* Click Install VMware Horizon C...
Disconnecting/Restarting Boxtop
Here you will find information about how to Disconnect from or Restart your Boxtop Session! Reset Desktop: Reset is similar to Restart as it will turn off applications and restart the session, but it is done in a less "graceful" manner. This opt...
Printing in Boxtop
There are 2 ways that printing works in Boxtop. Below is an explanation of each 1. General Printing Very simple! When you log in to Boxtop from any Windows or Mac computer, your printers will automatically redirect in Boxtop. As lo...
Log in Troubleshooting
If you are having trouble logging in, please try the following: 1. Make sure your device has internet connection. 2. Confirm your company’s server online status at {your domain}. . For example, for , it will be “ ...
Using Zoom & Teams in Boxtop
Boxtop supports Teams and Zoom video chats with HD video and sound quality, enabling seamless and efficient video meetings directly within the platform. For other video conferencing software like Webex, GoToMeeting, Slack, and Google Meet, we rec...
Update VMware Horizon Client
Here you can find a quick guide on how to update your VMware Horizon Client. Remember to do this outside of your Boxtop session! There are 2 ways to update. Option 1 - Use your current VMware Horizon Client: 1. Start the VMware Horizon Client appl...
Boxtop Recommendations & Best Practices for Home Setup
If you are experiencing connectivity or performance problems accessing Boxtop from home, please check that you meet the below recommendations Supported Devices for Boxtop Access: Any internet-connected device can be used to access Boxtop. Fo...
Setup a new phone for 2FA
If you have recently replaced your phone and need to set up your new one, please use our self-service portal:
DUO notifications not showing up on Iphone?
Go to settings on the Iphone Scroll down until you find the DUO Mobile App. Click on duo Mobile and you will see: Click on the Notifications Option and you will see: At the top you will see "Allow Notifications" To...
Unlock your Boxtop Account
To Unlock your Boxtop account please visit our self-service portal:
Reset your Boxtop Password
If you are locked out of your account and need to reset your password please go here: If you already know your password and want to change it, please follow the steps below: 1. While inside of Boxtop press Ctrl+...
How To: Login to Boxtop Drive
Quick guide on how to login to Boxtop Drive: Via Desktop Application: Open your browser and go to Click Download now to be brought to a second page where you will select Windows or MAC Scroll down a...